b. 1951
30 year career with Washington D.C. Fire Department
Studied at the Art League School in Alexandria VA.
Since 2005 a full time artist in the Charlottesville VA area

Pastel Society of America, Master  Pastellist
Maryland Pastel Society
Mid Atlantic Pastel Society
Piedmont Pastelists

Maryland Pastel Society “Shades of Pastel” National Open Exhibition, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007 2009, 2011,2015, 2017 , 2019
Lafond Galleries, Pittsburgh PA National Juried Pastel competition 2003, 2004
Pastel Society of America Annual Exhibition, NY, NY, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2014,2015, 2016 2018  2019
Beverly Street Gallery, Staunton, Va.   Juried Figure Show, Apr. 2008. Still Life Show  2011
National Women’s Democratic Club, Washington D.C. Juried Show, Feb-Mar. 2008
New Dominion Books, Charlottesville, VA Apr. 2009
Permanent Collection, University of Virginia Hospital and Martha Jefferson Hospital, Charlottesville, VA
Butler Museum of American Art , Pastel Artworks Exhibit. 2014 , 2018-2019

FINDING YOUR STYLE IN PASTEL by Jean Hirons  Pub. 2012  4 paintings published.

Juror  Pastel Society of America  2019 Enduring Brilliance Exhibition

Pastel Society of America, Janet T. Royce Award, 2003
Pastel Society of America, SouthEastern Pastel Society Award  2013
Pastel Society of America , Atlantic Papers Award , 2014
Pastel Societies of the Mid West Award , 2016
Pastel Society of America. Great American Art Award. 2018
Maryland Pastel Society Member Exhibit 2012  Best in show
Maryland Pastel Society “Shades of Pastel” National Open Exhibition, Betty Knight Memorial Best Still Life Award 2005 & 2011
Maryland Pastel Society “Shades of Pastel” National Open Exhibition, Second Place Award, 2007
The Art League Gallery, “Shayna Simpson Award”, Black and White Show, 2001
2003 Art Master Small Works Juried Exhibition , First Place


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