After 11 years of dedicated service, Leslie Lillien Levy PSA-MP (left) has resigned from the PSA Board of Governors to devote more time in her home community of Kent, Connecticut, to a family experiencing an emergency humanitarian crisis. Leslie writes, “My involvement with this family, as well as my heavy participation in local, state, and national politics prompted me to reexamine and rank my priorities. During the 11 years I have been on the board, I have had some of the most rewarding experiences in my life. You’re all my family, and it is a difficult decision to leave the nest. I plan to continue painting and will help my replacement with the transition.”

During her tenure, Leslie served on the board’s executive committee as corresponding secretary. In addition to organizing receiving at the PSA Annual, Leslie utilized her managerial experience in national network advertising to apply a professional approach to PSA’s communications. One of Leslie’s initiatives was the creation of the PSA eblast program.

As PSA president, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Signature member Kristin Divers to the PSA Board of Governors. Kristin will fill the Class 2 seat vacated by Leslie Levy before the end of the current term. Kristin’s vision of community building as life-long vocation makes her a natural to take on the society’s communications program, including eblasts, as the first of her board responsibilities.

Kristin’s formal education was in studio art and art therapy. Over the years, she took (or taught) an occasional art class, mostly in drawing technique. In 2000, she took her first pastel class. She was hooked, and started to focus studio time on pastel work. She has sporadically taken workshops around the eastern US from contemporary pastel artists she admires, focusing on growing her mastery of this wonderful medium. She lives in Pittsburgh, but spends significant time in New York City.

Thank you Leslie for the many years of innovative, unselfish, and enthusiastic service to PSA. We extend a hearty welcome to Kristin as she begins her tenure on the PSA Board of Governors.